Sunday, September 15, 2013


On March 10, 2012, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite spotted a spherical, “Jupiter” sized UFO tethered to the sun and siphoning its energy. After recharging its batteries the sphere accelerates into space while sucking in its dangling chord like a spaghetti noodle.

Two days later the footage went viral and many UFO bloggers say its aliens while others believe it is a “planet being born.” NASA says it was a naturally occurring solar prominence. Here are 4 reasons proving it was a real UFO recharging by the sun.

1.     NOT a planet being born
The report by one website that it was a planet being born is dumb. Our solar system’s celestial bodies took billions of years to form. If planets were created like this, Earth would have collided with one of these bodies like balls on a snooker table. And a new planets gravitational net would disrupt other planets’ orbits as it tried to establish its own orbit, can you imagine the chaos?

2.     Can’t be a solar flare
Solar flares are large explosions which happen when pent up magnetic energy in the sun’s surface (corona) is suddenly released; these are the ‘tentacles’ we see bursting from the sun. It’s impossible that this was a solar flare because flares last a few minutes to an hour yet this UFO hung around for two days.

3.     Solar prominence? Lol!
NASA’s official explanation that this was a solar prominence can be dismissed with careful observation. A solar prominence is similar to a flare. The difference being prominences are loop shaped; grow larger than planets and can last several weeks.

A sun prominence constantly fluctuates in shape and size, but the UFO maintained a solid shape.
Firstly, all solar activity on the sun’s surface moves in relation to the sun’s rotation. However in this video we see that this sphere and its chord remain stationary while normal flares erupting elsewhere on the sun are moving with the sun’s spin. 
Also, prominences constantly change shape and size whereas this UFO and its tentacle don’t fluctuate in shape and length. 

Lastly, if flares or prominences are completely ejected such as in a Coronal Mass Ejection, the plasma must travel at near light speed in order to escape the suns intense gravity.  Yet this object gradually gains speed as it accelerates away from the sun.

4.     NASA caught red handed deleting previous footage
On January 22, 2011 YouTube user BeePeeOilDisaster posted a link on his channel to NASA’s STEREO website where people could see a near sun UFO. 
By the 27th subscribers were complaining that there was no UFO in the video.  After checking he discovered NASA had blocked out the UFOs and his URL link later became  a ‘file not found’ error message. 

Fortunately, he had already downloaded the footage and those who saw the video before it was airbrushed by NASA corroborate with his story. Apparently, this was the third time NASA tried covering up near sun UFOs he spotted on its own website. If these are truly just “natural occurrences,” why delete the footage?

  “Type 2 civilisation”
According to renowned physicist Michio Kaku this was a gigantic alien spacecraft originating from type 2 “stellar civilisations.” This type of civilisation has exhausted the power of their planet so they harvest solar flares directly from their sun to meet their civilisations energy demands. He says, “They use the power of the sun itself to energise their huge machines.”

Other bloggers speculate that this could be some massive plasma based/ gaseous life form that eats solar flares when it’s hungry.

I believe it’s some kind of unmanned remote controlled vehicle which took the energy back to a camouflaged starship running low on fuel.

  • What do you think it is?

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